  1. Industrial Injury Benefits are payable under Sub-part III of the Social Contribution and Social Benefits Act 2021 and are deemed to have come into operation on 1 September 2020, except in relation to a self-employed which is effective as from the commencement of this Act, that is, 1 September 2021
  2. For injury sustained following an industrial accident or caused by a prescribed disease prior to 01 September 2020, the Industrial Injury Benefits are payable under the repealed Part V of the National Pensions Act 1976.

              A.   Industrial Injury Benefit (IIB)
              B.   Disablement Benefit (DB)
              C.   Other Benefits (in addition to Industrial Injury Benefit or Disablement Benefit)
              D.   Survivor’s Benefit (SB)
              E.   Child Allowance(CA)
              F.   Dependent’s Benefit
              G.   Orphan’s Benefit (OB)