

Frequently Asked Questions

The person has to call at the Mauritius Revenue Authority to register as Employer.

Because NPF contributions are meant to provide for an income stream during retirement, while contributions to the NSF are refunded as a lump sum.

NPF includes the amount contributed by both employers(6%) and employees (3%).NPF contributions are meant for payment of contributory pensions.

NSF is Payable at the rate of 2.5% of basic wages in respect of all employees both in
the Private and Public Sector.

An additional NSF Contributions at the rate of 1% of basic wage is Payable by employees who are insured Persons in the National Pension Scheme NSF contributions are refunded as lump sum along with accrued interest on retirement or death

Employees may call at local Social Security Offices with his National Identity Card Number to obtain a National Pensions Account which shows all contributions standing to the Account of the employee..

Employees can contact officers at regional social security offices to register a complaint or may call at the office of the Mauritius Revenue Authority

An enquiry will be carried out into the liability of the employer and prosecution will be resorted to, if necessary

The surviving partner can apply for the Contributory Widows/Widower Pension, based on the contributions of the husband/wife. In case the contributor was unmarried, the employees share of contributions is refunded with interest to the legal heirs.

  1. Non-Domestic employees – Floors : Rs 3920 Ceiling: Rs 25475
  2. Domestic employees – Floors: Rs 2490 Ceiling: Rs 25475

Sugar Industry

Employees contributes 3%

Employers contributes 10.5%


Employees contributes 3%

Employers contributes 6%


As from 01/01/2014 contributions are payable as from the first day of employment except for those who are working in the export manufacturing enterprises. For this category, contributions are payable after 2 years of residence in Mauritius.

Contributions of all items that is NPF, NSF & LEVY are payable until the employee reaches retirement age.

NPF contributions are payable up to August 2020 only.

If an employee is employed after he has reached retirement age and is in receipt of a Contributory Retirement Pension, the employer’s share of Contributions (6% or 10.5 %) and the HRDC levy (1.5%) by the employer are Payable for a maximum period of 5 years after the Retirement age.


· Birth Certificate

· National Identity Card

· Marriage Certificate (for married women)

· Bank Account Number

· Passport ( If Applicable)

Application should be made 3 months in advance so that payment of pension may be made in time

(ii) BASIC WIDOWS PENSION (Payable to widows under 60)

· Birth Certificate

· National Identity Card of applicant 

· Marriage Certificate (for married women)

· Birth and Death Certificates and NID of late partner

· Bank Account Number

(iii) BASIC INVALIDITY PENSION ( under 60 years)

· Birth Certificate

· National Identity Card

· Marriage Certificate (for married women)

· Bank Account Number

· Medical Certificate

· 1 passport size photo ( For Bus Pass)

(iv) BASIC ORPHANS PENSION (Up to the age of 15 or 20 if in full-time education)

· Death Certificate of parents

· Birth Certificates of orphans and parents

· Proficiency Certificate (15+) if at school

· Bank Account Number

If someone gets injured at work and he has been contributing to the CSG, he must put up a claim for industrial injury allowance at the Social Security Office nearest his residence.

He must produce his Birth Certificate, Identity Card, Photocopy of Medical Certificate, and bank account number (optional). The employer pays full wages for the first two weeks. As from the third week, the Ministry will pay an Industrial Injury Allowance equivalent to 100 per cent of the insurable wage of the employee, on production of a medical certificate from the treating doctor for maximum period of 36 months.​