
Refund of Exam Fees

  1. Payable to beneficiaries of Basic Pensions who would have qualified for Social Aid in absence of basic pension, to social aid beneficiaries and to beneficiaries of unemployment hardship relief.
  2. Eligible to candidates taking part in SC/HSC/GCE O and A level and MITD examination.
  3. The first attempt is free for all candidates.
  4. Those who have failed or who have not been able to obtain five (5) credits are also eligible.
  1. National Identity Card of claimant /spouse and of children aged 18 and above
  2. Birth Certificate of claimant/spouse /children
  3. Marriage Certificate 
  4. Certificate from educational institution regarding exams to be taken and subjects.
  5. Payslip and pension slip wherever applicable
  • Means tested

Contact the Social Security Office nearest to your place of residence.