
Child’s Allowance - CA

Amount payable as from July 2024 – Rs 2500

  1. Child’s Allowance is payable to beneficiaries drawing a Basic Retirement  Pension, Widow’s Basic pension, an Invalid’s Basic Pension or/and a Survivor’s Pension provided that the child:
    1. Is of legitimate, natural, stepchild or adopted;
    2. Is living with and wholly or substantially maintained by the beneficiary;
    3. Is born not later than 300 days after the death of the husband (in the case of a Widow’s Basic or/and Survivor’s pension);
    4. Is under the age of 15 or 20 if in full-time education or between 20 and 23 years old if pursuing a full–time course at a Higher Education Institution registered under the Higher Education Act; and
      Must not be in receipt of an Orphan’s or Invalid’s Basic Pension.
  2. CA is payable in respect of each dependent child irrespective of the number of children.
  1. Birth Certificate of each child.
  2. The National Identity Card No of children aged 18 or above.
  3. Certificate of Attendance from Educational Institutions (for children aged 15 years or more).
    Bank Name and Bank Account Number – In case of a joint account, the National Identity Card(s) of Joint account holder(s) should be produced.
  4. Passports (where applicable).

Application must be registered at the Social Security Office nearest to the applicant’s locality.


Contact the Social Security Office nearest to your place of residence.