
Domiciliary Visits

  1. Monthly Domiciliary Visit to persons over 90 years 


  • All beneficiaries of the Basic Retirement Pension age 90 and above are automatically eligible. 
  • Medical Officers of the Ministry pay monthly visits to persons aged 90 years and above to assess and follow up their state of health. Medical Officers prescribe medicines and refer for other forms of treatment where necessary.
  • No application required.
  • However, those who are not benefiting from the monthly visit may make a request at the Social Security Office nearest to their place of residence.
      2. Monthly Domiciliary Visits to beneficiaries of Carer’s Allowance (0-89 years)
  • Beneficiaries of Carer’s Allowance aged 0-89 years automatically benefit from a monthly domiciliary visit by Doctors of the MSS. 
  • No application required.
  • However those who are not being visited may make a request at the Social Security Office nearest to their place of residence.


Note: Medications prescribed are supplied through local health centers or the regional hospital.