
Basic Retirement Pension - BRP

Amount payable as from Jan 2025: Rs 15000 (Age 60-89), Rs 22710 (Age 90-99), Rs 27710 (Age 100 and above)

The BRP is payable to every person aged 60 or over and residing in Mauritius.

(a) (i) In the case of a citizen under the age of 70, the person should have resided in Mauritius for an aggregate period of 12 years since attaining the age of 18;

(ii) This residence qualification does not apply for citizens aged 70 years and above.

(b) For non-citizens, the person must have resided in Mauritius for at least 15 years in aggregate since attaining the age of 40, three of those fifteen years being immediately before his claim.

  1. Birth Certificate.
  2. National Identity Card.
  3. Marriage Certificate (for married women).
  4. Bank Name and Bank Account Number.In the case of a joint account, the National Identity Card(s) of Joint account holder(s) should be produced.
  5. Passports (both Mauritian and foreign).
  6. Proof of address (any utility bill).

Application may be registered at the Social Security Office nearest to the applicant’s locality. 

Contact the Social Security Office nearest to your place of residence.