
Recreation Centres

The Ministry of Social Security and National Solidarity operates to date four Recreation Centres namely; James Burty David Recreation Centre (JBDRC) at Pointe Aux Sables, Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Recreation Centre (SSRRC) at Belle Mare, Lady Sushil Ramgoolam Recreation Centre (LSRRC) at Pointe Aux Piments and Sir Anerood Jugnauth Recreation Centre (SAJRC) at Riambel.


Recreation centres were set up to host residential holiday camps for senior citizens as well as persons with disabilities and as such provides accommodation in double bedrooms, food and beverages, indoor entertainment, swimming pool activities, outdoor tours in coach and targeted empowerment talk sessions. The aim is to ensure a comfortable, safe, recreational and hospitable retreat to our elderly people and disabled residents and thus giving them opportunities to cut off from their daily routine life.

Vision Mission and Objective of Recreation Centres:


To help our senior citizens and persons with disabilities to live gracefully and in dignity.


To organize holiday camps for senior citizens and persons with disabilities in a safe, life caring and pleasurable environment.


To organize residential leisure and recreational activities for elderly persons aged 55 years and above as well as persons with disabilities.

Eligibility criteria:

Target Group:             Elderly persons aged 55 years and persons with disabilities

Duration of stay:         2 Nights

Rate per person:          Rs 250


Package inclusive of :

  1. Accommodation
  2. Food & Beverages (excluding alcoholic beverages)
  3. Organised tour in a luxury coach
  4. Entertainment: Cultural Programme/Games/ Soiree Dansante etc
  5. Talks targeted for elderly persons (empowerment sessions)
  6. Swimming Pool Sessions (In-House)

Procedure for booking:

Application is done via online booking system. (Public is made aware through press communique).


Closure of Centre :

As from Cyclone warning class1

Sudden Torrential warning forecast by Mauritius Meteoroligical Services

Contact Persons:

1.    Mrs Preeti SEESURN

       Manager, Lady Sushil Ramgoolam Recreation Centre       

        Phone: 265 6795/ 265 6827

        Fax: 265 6596


2.    Mr Outtam BULEERAM

       Manager, Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Recreation Centre 

        Phone: 415 2385

        Fax: 415 2132


3.    Mrs Devianee GOBURDHUN

       Manager, James Burty David Recreation Centre 

        Phone: 234 1384/2341316

        Fax: 234 2164


4.    Mr Shanjiv Singh GHOORAHOO, 

       Manager, Sir Anerood Jugnauth Recreation Centre 

        Phone: 625 0770

         Fax: 625 0766
