
The Ministry

​​​Our Vision

To provide fair, equitable and responsive social protection in a sustain​able manner to citizens of the Republic with special attention to senior citizens, persons with disabilities as well as vulnerable persons and to reinforce national solidarity.​

Our Mission

Promote and enhance social protection and national solidarity and empower persons with disabilities, elderly persons and local communities to improve their quality of life.​​

Main services provided by the Ministry

The Ministry is mandated to provide a range of services as per hereunder:

  • Social Assistance in cash
  • Empowerment, welfare, protection and well-being of the Elderly
  • Empowerment and welfare of Persons with Disabilities
  • Financial assistance to persons facing severe personal hardship
  • Contributory Pensions, Non-contributory Pensions and Industrial Injury Allowances under the National Pensions Act and Social Contribution and Social Benefits Act 2021
  • Transition Unemployment Benefit, Lump Sum and Health Insurance under the National Savings Fund
  • Unemployment Hardship Relief
  • Management of Evacuee Centres sheltering evacuees on the occurrence of natural disasters like cyclone and flood
Our Customers Are:
  • Needy and destitute persons
  • Elderly, widows and orphans
  • Persons with Disabilities
  • Inmates of Charitable Institutions and Private Residential Care Homes
  • Persons facing severe personal hardship
  • Victims of natural disasters including cyclone, flood, earthquake and fire