
Survivor’s Benefit (SB)

(i)  Payable to the surviving spouse of an employee or self –employed who has:

  • died as a result of an industrial accident; or
  • disappeared during the course of his employment/profession, trade or business.

(ii)  In case of disappearance or missing person, a survivor’s benefit is payable after the expiry of 3 months from the date the matter was reported to the police (Conditions apply).

(iii)  The benefit ceases in case of remarriage of the surviving spouse.

The Survivor’s Benefit is 50% of the monthly earnings (amount specified in Part 2 and of the 1st Schedule to the SCSB Act 2021) of the deceased or self-employed.

  1. Birth Certificates (for both applicant and deceased spouse).
  2. National Identity Card (for both applicant and deceased spouse).
  3. Marriage Certificate (not less than 3 months).
  4. Death Certificate of Spouse; and
  5. Bank Account Number and Name of Bank. In the case of a joint account, the National Identity Card(s) of Joint account holder(s) should be produced.

Application may be registered at the Social Security Office nearest to the applicant’s locality.

Contact the Social Security Office nearest to your place of residence.