
The Welfare and Elderly Persons’ Protection Unit (WEPPU) has been set up following the enactment of the The Protection of Elderly Persons’ Act 2005.

The main functions of the Welfare and Elderly Persons Protection Unit are:

  • Deal with complaints from elderly persons who are in need of assistance or protection and take such measures as may be necessary.

  • Organise public awareness and sensitization campaigns on the rights of the elderly and the need to provide them with assistance and protection.


Services Provided

  • Intervention in reported cases of Elder Abuse through proper mediation, negotiation, family conferencing, referrals, etc.

  • Processing of applications for admission in Charitable Institutions

  • Organising public awareness campaigns on the rights of elderly

  • Exercising general supervision and control over Residential Care Homes in line with the Residential Care Homes Act 2003 and Residential Care Homes Regulations 2005

  • Participating in birthday celebration of centenarians

  • Supervise and organize activities for the wellbeing of the elderly at Elderly Day Care Centres

  • Hotlines: 172 is operational from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm and 199 is operational on 24 hours/7days basis

List of Charitable Institutions​
List of Private Reside​​​ntial ​Care Homes​​​​
List of Elderly Da​y Care Centres